Up The Hill
'Live at Up the Hill'
Musical Experiences in Sunrise, FL
July 28, 2006- Carla Ulbrich- All Medical
Professional Show
September 29, 2006- Stephen Bennett
October 14, 2006- Erik Balkey
October 31, 2006- The Block
Decenber 15, 2006- Bill and Kate
Isles- Christmas Party/Show
July 28, 2006- Carla Ulbrich
Drinks @
7:30 PM Show @ 8 PM Sharp
Carla Ulbrich- All Medical
Professional Show
Carla comes to Live at Up the Hill with her world famous medical humor.
I have asked her
to include her standup comedy along with her catchy, gut busting, eye
tearing, down right funny
songs. This will be an evening of fun and laughs you won't soon forget.
Done in a style you have come to expect from Live at Up the Hill, this
promises to be an
awesome date night and one hell of a good time!
In fact, I have authorized the performance of the un-censored version of F-word song. Yep the
song that got her asked not to return to a venue. Talk about funny- the
censored version
of this song
left me in tears. Come hear the live un-censored version. It is as
funny as it gets.

Without a doubt- Carla is one of my favorite people. She is a great
guitar player, awesome
song writer AND she cleans up real nice. ( In other words she is a hot
This is going to be a great show. Don't miss it!
September 29, 2006- Stephen Bennett
Drinks @
7:30 PM Show @ 8 PM Sharp
Stephen Bennett- Singer/Song Writer
Harp Guitar Player

Whether playing his great-grandfather's
harp guitar,
his 1930 National Steel or a standard 6-string, Stephen Bennett is
a guitarist to hear.
His playing has won awards and critical praise. In live
performance and on record,
his diverse musical influences and interests are
joined with
a lifelong love affair with the sound of guitar
Listen to the concerts and
other great radio shows in
Full Stereo- CD Quality
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You can go to java.sun.com and
download and install J2SE 5.0.
Streaming Video Link is only active the day of the show.
Where we are:
xxxx NW xxx Ave. Sunrise, FL xxxxx

Contact us:
Jack and Jill Radio
Hang Up Now! and Drive!